“A stroke is triggered when a blood vessel in the brain gets blocked or bursts.”
“Un ictus viene attivato quando un vaso sanguigno nel cervello viene bloccato o scoppia “ ~ for our Italian fans
”The long term effect of a stroke depends on which part of the brain was damaged and by how much
Early treatment and rehabilitation after a stroke can improve recovery and many people regain a lot of ability.”
يعتمد التأثير طويل المدى للسكتة الدماغية على الجزء المتضرر من الدماغ ومقدار الضرر
يمكن أن يؤدي العلاج المبكر وإعادة التأهيل بعد السكتة الدماغية إلى تحسين التعافي واستعادة الكثير
من الناس قدرته.
-for our Egyptian fans
“Hemorrhagic Stroke (Bleeds) – Occurs when a weakened blood vessel raptures. The most common cause is uncontrolled high blood pressure.”
While strokes normally affect older people, 30 percent of stroke survivors are under the age of 65.”
Ενώ τα εγκεφαλικά επεισόδια επηρεάζουν συνήθως τους ηλικιωμένους, το 30% των επιζώντων από εγκεφαλικά είναι κάτω των 65 ετών.” – for our international Greek speaking fans
“Physical rehabilitation after a stroke is well catered for, however an audit showed that mental health continued to be ignored despite being essential to stroke recovery. ““La riabilitazione fisica dopo un ictus è ben curata, tuttavia un audit ha dimostrato che la salute mentale ha continuato a essere ignorata nonostante fosse essenziale per il recupero dell’ictus. ” – for our Italian speaking fans.
“Because your brain controls everything your body does, a stroke will affect the way your body functions. For example, if a stroke damages the part of your brain that controls your right leg, then you may have weakness or numbness in that leg. Your brain also controls how you think, learn, feel and communicate.”
“The impact of stroke on the brain can also cause personality, mood and emotional changes. All this means there is a strong link between stroke, depression and anxiety.”“Η επίδραση του εγκεφαλικού επεισοδίου στον εγκέφαλο μπορεί επίσης να προκαλέσει αλλαγές στην προσωπικότητα, τη διάθεση και τις συναισθηματικές αλλαγές. Όλα αυτά σημαίνουν ότι υπάρχει ισχυρή σχέση μεταξύ εγκεφαλικού επεισοδίου, κατάθλιψης και άγχους.” – for our international, Greek speaking fans.
“The left side of the brain controls critical thinking, judgment, reasoning, and sequencing, therefore, having a stroke on the left side of the brain can cause someone to have varying levels of cognitive impairments. The left side of the brain controls all oral functions which include chewing and swallowing.”“Η αριστερή πλευρά του εγκεφάλου ελέγχει την κριτική σκέψη, την κρίση, τη συλλογιστική και τον προσδιορισμό της αλληλουχίας, επομένως, το να έχεις εγκεφαλικό επεισόδιο στην αριστερή πλευρά του εγκεφάλου μπορεί να προκαλέσει σε κάποιον να έχει διαφορετικά επίπεδα γνωστικών διαταραχών. Η αριστερή πλευρά του εγκεφάλου ελέγχει όλες τις στοματικές λειτουργίες που περιλαμβάνουν μάσημα και κατάποση.” – for our international, Greek speaking fans.
GEORGE TSOKOS“For most young people, the chance of having a stroke seems like an impossibility — but there is no such thing as being too young for a stroke. It’s true that your stroke risk increases with age, but stroke in young people — even infants, children, and adolescents — does happen. In fact, between 10 and 15 percent of strokes occur in people ages 18 to 50, according to a study published in February 2020 “
Harris is playing in his second season at MAGIC, after spending the majority of his career in NPL1. Regarded as one of the most talented players in the competition, Harris shares his thoughts :
“Congratulations to both Gladesville Ryde Magic FC and Bankstown United FC for being involved in this wonderful initiative. I can speak on behalf of all the players involved – we are humbled to be participating in a game we love and also bringing awareness to a cause that affects so many Australians on a daily basis.
Hopefully this initiative becomes extremely successful and grows bigger each year, making more people aware and helping those going through stroke recovery rehab.
Thank you to the whole football community for the great support provided to this initiative, it is greatly appreciated.
Come and watch us play on Sunday. I won’t promise you a goal, I’ll leave that up to The Pigeon.
Come and cheer for us to play well enough to win the inaugural STROKERECOVERY CUP.”
-Harris Gaitatzis
Hi Everyone,
I am very excited to be making my comeback from injury this Sunday and playing in the STROKERECOVERY CUP.
Participating in this match is important, not only for the players and fans, but also for the thousands of Australians who suffer a stroke each year and the hundreds of thousands of Australians who live with the affects of stroke each day.
As footballers, we go onto the field and kick a ball for fun but participating in this match, provides us with the opportunity to bring awareness to and the wonderful work they do in sharing information about stroke, showcasing individual rehab journeys as well as providing exercises which cater for stroke recovery rehab.
I am proud to be playing in this match and representing a club that has been involved in initiating such a sensational event.
Thank you for supporting GRMFC and this wonderful cause.
I am looking forward to scoring a goal for you on Sunday.
Michael G.